Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Paranoid Sanity....

I just want to start this off by saying that I love ALL of the feedback that I have been receiving. I understand that everyone doesn't agree with everything that I say, but I really do appreciate the opinions. The emails keep me going and the encouragement means a lot. I have been receiving emails from a lot of different artists that suggested I feature them in The Truth. I have decided to post a few every once in a while. This first one is called Paranoid Sanity by a very talented artist named Neat Wino....Different from what I write, but I do appreciate art in all forms and I love freedom of expression. So enjoy today's Truth and keep tuning in. No subject is taboo....

“So my secretary tells me that you’ve been suffering from delusions of grandeur. Do you mind telling me a little about it?”

Ok doc, here goes
Every time I close my eyes,
I see visions of human bodies being eaten from the inside
I’m starting to recall seeing Catholic nuns
Walking the streets of Brooklyn, giving free hand-jobs to Buddhist bums
I can still hear them moaning in tongues
While staring at their Muslim pimps outside the car waving guns
But even that wasn’t the worst part
It was when I walked into the confessional and saw alter boys being ripped apart
All were being bent over the benches
The priests using them like wenches
The smell was like assholes and Cheetos, you can’t begin to imagine what that stench is….

“It seems as though are a very troubled young woman. What has happened to you to trigger these horrifying thoughts?”

I think that it was around the age seven that I realized that there couldn’t be a heaven
Because if there was, the rapes that I went through wouldn’t have continued until I was eleven
I always felt like my childhood was fucked up
Honestly, if my mom had aborted me, I would have felt as if I had lucked up
But between pride sucked up and my feeble ability to cope
My greatest joy to date was hanging that rapist from a rope
And that was after teasing him by bending over for the soap
Then cutting off his manhood and shoving it down his throat
Slathered him with honey
Loved letting in every bee alive when I opened up the window
And then I hung him from the side of the house
Wearing only a g-string and my little sisters blouse

“That is most disturbing. I think that I will have to schedule you for more appointments if that is ok with you dear.”

“Sure mom, whatever you say….by the way, the funeral is Friday.”